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Townsville City Council
Accelerated Sustainability Planning

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5. Systems Mapping and Analysis Level

TCC Manager Fleet Services and Deputy Mayor presenting natural sustainability systems.
TCC Manager Fleet Services and Deputy Mayor
presenting natural sustainability systems.

Objectives for this Level:

  • Develop a basic understanding of system terms and connections
  • Draw a System Map for your Compass Point
  • Choose 7 interrelated System Elements for each Compass Point
  • Report on the results
  • Make linkages across the Pyramid between the Compass Point systems

Systems are linked groups of elements that interact with each other. Often those interactions are predictable -- they follow certain rules or laws, resulting in recognisable patterns of behaviour.
Systems can be physical, mechanical, technical, social, cultural, natural, biological; intellectual … systems are truly all around us. By learning to understand systems -- the elements, the linkages, the rules of cause and effect that govern them -- we can understand the sometimes-hidden mechanisms that often lie underneath problem situations.

Indicators, measurements, are our windows into systems.

Sustainability Systems (from Pyramid)
Alignment of Local, State and Federal policies that support sustainable development
Waterway / stormwater
Financial incentives to adopt best practices
Purchase of goods
Industry / parks - water efficiency & management
Sustainable practices and innovation awards
Community engagement
Wastewater management & efficiency
Education pathways
Regular reporting of programs (news)
Energy management & opportunities
Sustainable strategy
Media campaigns
Catchment management
International competitiveness
Point of sale education campaigns
Community security
Home / water conservation
Value adding
Lead by example
Employment systems
Regulatory –appropriateness & effectiveness

Note: Ranking of Systems does not imply priority or relative importance

Representatives of Queensland Department of Public Works, Community, and Ergon Energy.
Representatives of Queensland Department of Public Works, Community, and Ergon Energy.

  • Source - where something originally comes from - a material, a resource, even an idea.
  • Flow - the movement of something through a system, from one place to another. Flows cause changes in Sources, Stocks, and Sinks.
  • Stock - the supply of something -- anything -- somewhere in the system. The supply of water in a reservoir -- or in a canteen. (The water flows from one stock to the other.) The supply of equipment in a stockroom: something gets purchased and flows in; something gets used and flows out. The "stock" of morale in a team: morale goes up when the team receives inspiration or achieves victory; morale can get reduced if they don't get the training they need.
  • Sink - where something finally ends up. This can be a physical location or a "non-physical" one (a garbage dump, the bottom of a lake, somewhere in your memory or in your attitudes).
  • Feedback Loop - information about what's happening in the system -- that, in turn, influences what happens in the system.

The following are systems diagrams for Townsville in the four headings Economy, Society, Wellbeing and Nature.


Managers from Townsville City Council Health Services, Parks Services and Queensland Government EPA demonstrate support for a city-wide Closed Water Cycle Management approach.

Managers from Townsville City Council Health Services, Parks Services and Queensland Government EPA demonstrate support for a city-wide Closed Water Cycle Management approach.

Townsville City Council Engineers working on the innovative ‘Pod Car’ (low cost, remotely piloted public transport) and ‘Sizzle-o-Meter’ (a sustainability performance monitor).

Townsville City Council Engineers working on the innovative ‘Pod Car’ (low cost, remotely piloted public transport) and ‘Sizzle-o-Meter’ (a sustainability performance monitor).

Council Managers demonstrate innovation in disaggregated power generation (wind powered energy absorbers rise from the ground to meet the oncoming cyclonic winds).

Council Managers demonstrate innovation in disaggregated power generation (wind powered energy absorbers rise from the ground to meet the oncoming cyclonic winds).

EPA Sustainable Industries, Director State Development, Planning and Environment Manager, Townsville Port Authority, and TCC Manager Financial Accounting, and Planning Program Facilitator, listen to a presentation. 

EPA Sustainable Industries, Director State Development, Planning and Environment Manager, Townsville Port Authority, and TCC Manager Financial Accounting, and Planning Program Facilitator, listen to a presentation.

Economy System Map

Sustainable Learning City
Sustainable Learning City

Society System Map

Key aspects of Society System

  • Education Pathways
  • Learning Network
  • Intellectual Capital
  • International Competitiveness
  • Sustainable Strategies
  • Value Adding
  • Training

Key aspects of Society System

Education and Employment (Society System)

Education and Employment (Society System)

Wellbeing System Maps

Quality of Schooling – System 1

Quality of Schooling – System 1

Travel Time – System 2

Travel Time – System 2

Community Engagement – System 3

Community Engagement – System 3

Climate – System 4

Climate – System 4


Nature Systems - Water Cycle Management

Nature Systems - Water Cycle Management

Nature Systems Maps

  • Catchment Management
  • Waterway stormwater
  • Homes / water conservation
  • Industry / Parks water conservation
  • Wastewater efficiency TBL (Triple Bottom Line)
  • Regulatory effectiveness / appropriate
  • Energy Management opportunities

Nature Systems Maps



Executive Summary

1. Introduction
2. Building the Pyramid – the levels
3. Workshop Results
4. Indicators and Linkages
5. Systems Mapping and Analysis Level <- You are here
6. Innovations and Strategy
Appendix 1 - Attendees List
Appendix 2 - THYS Sustainability Briefing / Focus Group
Appendix 3 - Change Agents Sustainability Training
(Assets, Concerns, Values and Visions Linkages)
Appendix 4 - Townsville Sustainability Compass Index (Indicators Sheets)
Appendix 5 - Three Power-point presentations:
      1. Council Executive Briefing
      2. Business and Community Partners Executive Briefing
      3. Townsville Have Your Say (THYS) sustainability presentation

Next: >> 6. Innovations and Strategy <<

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