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The Strand management ensures the facility is continually maintained and improved
as it is used for recreation and leisure on a daily basis, both day and night.
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One of the many spectacular fireworks displays to be seen at The Strand
Leisure and recreation on The Strand has been enhanced by directing staff
resources to improving event planning meetings with event organisers

The Strand Management Plan provides an innovative management regime that is inclusive of Strand users, such as the general public, residents, tourists, Lifesaving Clubs, plus commercial interests within The Strand precincts.

Leisure and recreation experience for visitors has been enhanced by directing staff resources to improving event planning meetings with event organisers. Surveys for events have been designed by staff, and introduced; post-event meetings, with all parties involved, aim to improve future events. Work is managed to fit in with times when The Strand is less used so as not to interfere with public usage.

Each week, Strand management conducts Quality Assurance runs, businesses are visited and any issues are discussed and forwarded to appropriate internal and external departments.

As The Strand is a council facility, feedback also comes through ratepayers and the elected members of Council.

Some visitors' views
Nick Chambers & Anne O’Brien from Christchurch, New Zealand.
“We love the exercise stations and they are a great idea for staying in shape. The barbeque facilities are very convenient, the Townsville City Council has done a great job of providing communal facilities.”

Feedback has, for example, led to the placement of additional rubbish bins along The Strand.

Shade trees along The Strand and additional signage on the pier have been added in response to feedback from users.

Inspection regimes of all components of the Strand are mandatory – play equipment, tables and chairs, and barbecues. Checks are carried out on all public facilities and fittings twice a week.

The toilets are cleaned three times a day and garbage picked up daily. Streets are also swept daily.

Weekly lighting checks are carried out by Citiwater.

Regular tree inspections are carried out.

Beach cleaning inspections are carried out twice a week.

The Rock Pool is flushed with seawater, completely emptied once a week according to the tides, hosed out, swept and cleaned on a weekly basis.

Apart from the high-level maintenance program as described, Strand Management takes no chances. A Major Asset Audit is carried out every two months and a Structural Audit is carried out annually – checking for any structural deterioration to the pier, fishing platform, rock walls of the seawater pool and embankments.

Vandalism is reported on a daily basis – by staff, contractors and the public, and is cleaned up rapidly.