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Weeds - Lantana, Ivy Gourd, Singapore Daisy and Mother of Millions


Weedbusters week is an annual event that brings together volunteers and various community groups to do their bit to help get rid of some of our worst invaders.  The activities in Townsville this year are going to be bigger than ever, with a range of different events being facilitated by a variety of different concerned groups.

Weeds - Asparagus fern, Singapore Daisy and Mother of Millions

Weedbusters Week Activities
Weedbusters October 2nd - 13th Real life examples and photos of the target species: will be on display in the week prior at the Customer Service area of the Townsville City Council, at Cotters Market on the 8th of October, Aitkenvale Library and the Knowledge Centre.
Weedbusters Greening Townville planting with JCU students at Marabou Drive, Annandale on Saturday October 7th, 3pm - 5pm: Join Students from the JCU Revegetation and Land Rehabilitation class who have been assisting removing weeds from this area over the past few months. Everyone is welcome to attend, stay for a BBQ and pick up a free local native plant to take home. Event is located adjacent to Ross River, opposite the corner of Masuda street and Marabou Drive.
Weedbusters Gustav Creek Community Weed Management Workshop - October 14th 9am - 12pm: help develop a Community Based Pest Management Plan for the Creek and the surrounding neighbourhood.
Weedbusters Cotters Market Stall October 8th - A Stall will be held at Cotters Markets, with examples of targets species, information about the weeks activities and a Free Local Native Tree giveaway.
Weedbusters Weed Swap, Vantassel Landfill October 15th 10am - 2pm.
Four environmental and backyard weeds will be specifically targeted (see Weed Swap flyer), these are Asparagus Fern, Singapore Daisy, Mother Of Millions and Ivy Gourd. Residents can come along and exchange them for free Local Native plants. Free entry to the tip will be provided only for those disposing of these four weeds and you must remove the weeds, bag them up and transport them to the tip yourself. For those unable to make it on the day, free entry and free tree vouchers will be issued to those disposing of the weeds at the dump through out the week (starting Saturday 7th -15th). These vouchers can be redeemed at a later date, by phoning Townsville City Council.

Weeds - Asparagus Fern and Chineee Apple

Weedbusters We are targeting four environmental and backyard weeds this year. These are Asparagus Fern, Singapore Daisy, Mother of Millions and Ivy Gourd. Free entry to the tip will be provided only for those disposing of these four weeds and you must remove the weeds, bag them up and transport them to the tip yourself. The Weed Swap will be held at the Vantassel Street. The target species will be on display in the week prior at the Customer Service area of the Townsivlle City Council.

Asparagus Fern
Asparagus Fern
Singapore Daisy
Singapore Daisy
Mother of Millions
Mother of Millions
Ivy Gourd
Ivy Gourd

Flyer - Swap your weeds for native trees (.pdf 183Kb)
Media Release - Swap your weeds for native trees (.pdf 58Kb)

Further Information

Contact TCC Environmental Management on 4727 9310 or

Leigh O'Neil (Costal Dry Tropics Landcare Inc.) 4721 4322

(9am-5pm weekdays)

See also:

Previous years:
Weedbusters Week 2005
Weedbusters Week 2004
Weedbusters Week 2003

Weeds - Sinagpore Daisy, Lantana, and Ivy Gourd

In partnership with:-
Greening Townsville
Citiwaste Coastal Dry Tropics Landcare Inc.