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GRID-Arendal > State of the Environment > The Soe Cookbook

Cookbook for State of the Environment Reporting
on the Internet

Visit The SoE cookbook official websiteGRID-Arendal's Cookbook for State of the Environment Reporting on the Internet is a 32-page booklet which provides easy-to-use methodological guidance for the development of electronic environmental status reports. Visit The Soe Cookbook official webite

Available online in the following languages and formats:

English (PDF, 1.3 MB)
Japanese (HTML)
Russian (PDF, 1.2 MB)
The English edition of the Cookbook is included with the State of the Environment Reports Sampler CD-ROM, which is available from EarthPrint.

Recommended resources from the Cookbook:

Introduction (your kitchen)
Data and Indicators (shopping and cooking)
Carto-Graphics (sauces and dressings)
Going On-Line (serving the meal)
Electronic SoE Report Checklist

Cookbook for State of the Environment Reporting on the Internet. UNEP/GRID-Arendal 1998. Nickolai Denisov, Lawrence Hislop, Philippe Rekacewicz and Otto Simonett. Arendal, Norway. ISBN 82-7701007-9.

Visit The Soe Cookbook official webite


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